Wrapping Things Up (Day Thirty-One of Homemade Music)

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Welcome to the very LAST day of 31 Days of Homemade Music! This month we are exploring how and why everyone can benefit from being an active participant in music making. To read more posts in this series, click here.

Well, folks, here we are. The last day of this series. Thanks for sticking with me if you’ve been able to. I’ve really enjoyed the feedback from you all, as well as the awesome community I’ve gained from getting to know some other 31 Days writers. It’s been a major challenge writing about one main idea for every single day of a whole month, but also a great personal discipline for me.

This month, I’ve babbled on and on about why you should make music and how to get going. We’ve discussed why music is good for the mind and the soul, and how to listen to potentially unfamiliar music. We have visited starting points for playing with singing, percussion, music-reading, and piano. I’ve given you listening activities to do with your family and briefly introduced you to folk music and sacred music.

We all hear music every day- in the car, the store, on TV, or in the office. Most of us have heard at least some recordings of great music, and some of us have been lucky to attend live concerts. But my agenda this month was to help convince you that it is well worth it to participate in music making, and to give you some tools to that end.

I hope that you were able to try at least some of the ideas from this 31 Days series. If you haven’t yet, maybe at some point in the future it will provide you with an avenue for musical exploration. If not, that’s okay too- I just hope that at some point you decide to give music a try- without fear, reservation, or self-consciousness!

Can music really make a big difference in your life? Think about it. Can it broaden your mind and sphere of experience? Can it heighten the senses? Can it develop your personal tastes? Can it be a comfort or a joy? Can it move powerful men to a change of heart? Can it sweep huge crowds of people with dancing and singing? Can it change the hearts of a nation?

I would dare to say yes. Yes, it can.

Do you think so too? You’ll never know until you try. Happy music-making to you!

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2 thoughts on “Wrapping Things Up (Day Thirty-One of Homemade Music)

  1. Mom Z

    Great job, I really enjoyed this 30 day series on music. I would hope that many of your readers would follow some of your advice and give the gift of music to their children. Music is so wonderful and can do so much to help children learn so many things. Thanks again for all your hard work in putting this together. I think you should put it in the form of a book and publish it.

    1. Abi Post author

      Thank you for your kind words and for reading along & your awesome mom support! 🙂 I would probably have to do a lot of editing and expanding to make it a book, but it was definitely a fun challenge to write it. Maybe something to keep in mind for the future, though. Love you!!!


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