Going Disconnected (Good Pickins’ #28)

2018 Holiday Sale on herbal courses!

Last Monday afternoon, I accidentally broke the cord on my phone charger when my phone was almost dead. Arrg, I thought, now I’m going to have to order another. So I went home that night, found a charger for my iPhone on Amazon prime, and saw that it wouldn’t arrive until Thursday.

It was a little frustrating, but I have gone without phone and/or internet for periods of time before, and it has always been a refreshing time. So I decided that I would make the most of it.

While I still had my computer at home, I found that I suddenly had a lot more time without that silly phone around to pick up at any given moment. I was less distracted and more observant, and- lo and behold- my kids were less cranky too. Probably because mama was more engaged.

How easy is it for us all to be wrapped up in our screens all day. How quickly we forget what it’s like to be unavailable for a day or two- even for an hour or two. How frustrated everyone is when they can’t get in touch with you quickly!

While I’m not ready to make any big drastic changes like dropping internet or ditching the cell phone, the week greatly encouraged me to leave my phone behind more often and to keep the computer off for more of the day.

I’ve got two links you should check out this week on this topic:

The Big Disconnect– Ironically, I began reading this book at a friend’s house the morning before I broke my phone. This startling book pictures what our constant relationship with technology does to our relationships within our family.  The author discusses how our affinity for gadgets and social media can be destructive and dangerous when given an improper place in the family’s life. Many scenarios were frighteningly familiar and unsettling- but most saddening was hearing what children and teens really think of their parents’ screen addictions. I cannot yet vouch for the entire book as I only read a couple of chapters, but it is on my library check-out list for next week.

The Value of Real Connections– This guest writer on Living Well Spending Less shares how she and her family go without internet or cable, and only limited smart phone usage. She challenges all of us to consider what we’re sacrificing in our day, and to re-prioritize accordingly. Inspiring- albeit intimidating- this non-connected mom is standing for that precious time with our families that we too easily let slip away.

I’m certainly far from perfect with this. I need to hear it and think about it just as much as everyone else. So, I’m going to get off this computer to think about how I can better schedule my blog/work time, so that I am ALL there for these sweet ones when they need me.

Going Disconnectedjv

Have a Saturday in which you are fully present in the here and now.

This post contains affiliate links. Thanks in advance for supporting my little blog!


2 thoughts on “Going Disconnected (Good Pickins’ #28)

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